Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 6, Day 1 - Making Great Progress! Week 5 & 6 Exercises

We are now through 6 full weeks of recovery. Webber's could be a poster boy for TPLO, or me, I'm not sure. We took him for his second PhysioTherapy (PT) appointment yesterday. Carrie was clearly happy with the progress he is making. Said that he is doing much better than expected at this point in the process. What that means is more exercises, and clearly more freedoms for Webber. The only two left now are the leash (still attached), and no rough-housing with other pups. But soon, very soon ...

He's allowed stairs, in fact we need to encourage him to do stairs, slowly and controlled, to help build his muscles and strength. Oh, and he is not on any pain meds at all, and doing just fine. We still ice him after a long day of exercise, but he likes that now.

That's it for now, he's doing so great, we sometimes forget. Two weeks until X-Rays and hopefully some controlled off-leash play.

Almost forgot, we ordered Webber an Illusion Collar (from Cesar Milan), without much hope that anything would stop Webber from 'pulling' on the leash. In exactly the amount of time it took me to put it on him, he went from crazy, end of the leash pull, let's go ... to an absolutely perfect dog walk at my side. Too amazing. Highly recommend for anyone who is experiencing troubles walking on a leash.

NOTE: Do not perform these exercises with your dog unless he has been examined by a qualified professional to ensure his ability to perform them properly without hurting him.


Alternate Day Schedule:
Even Days - Two 30 minute walks, plus exercises
Odd Days - Two 15 minute walks, plus exercises, Plus ... Woo-Hoo ... A controlled swim in the river.

Since we live on a river with a deep slope down (w/stairs), Carrie has decided to incorporate an exercise session. We will walk down controlled on leash, then throw the ball. Swim ... then leash walk back up to the top and do a controlled step over a bar (not jump, but forcing him to go slow and think about lifting the surgery leg). Repeat again ... we will increase the 'reps' of this 1 each time until we reach a max of 10. Course this will depend on Webber and we will watch carefully to ensure he isn't overdoing it.

The new exercises are (and I'll try to post video/pictures soon), 10 repetitions, 3 times per day:

1) Figure 8's - with a treat in your hand, reach around your right leg and coax your dog to walk through your legs. Continue to guide your dog all the way around leg. Repeat on the left side, forming a figure 8.

2) Front legs up - (Webber's favourite, although I think it is a natural Weim pose) - Have your dog place his front paws on a step, stool, chair etc. to increase the load on the operated limb. Keep your dog busy with a treat or a toy for a long as possible.

3) Ramps, hills, and stairs - your dog may now start walking up and down inclines and stairs. We need to get Webber to walk sideways along a hill. Webber on Left with surgery leg on the top part of slope.

4) Dancing - Again, A Webber favourite, as he loves to give Mom a hug ... have your dog put his front paws up on you, and hold them. Walk a couple of steps forward and backward to that your dog starts to fully weight bear on the operated limb. Your dog should not be collapsing or in any discomfort with this exercise.

6) High Step Over - Place a bar between two chairs, high enough that your dog needs to lift his legs to get over. Coax him slowly towards you so that he has to 'walk' over the bar. A 'hop' with the back legs is Cheating!

7) Crawl Under - Using the same bar, a little higher perhaps, have your dog lay down and coax him to 'crawl' under the bar.

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