Sunday, March 15, 2009

Almost Spring

Those who feed me haven't really been keeping up my Blog entries. But, they don't listen so I have to wait until a quiet Sunday morning. The final weekend of winter has come and gone and spring is right around the corner. That will be nice. Those who feed me took me for a walk along the river. They have a new camera for Christmas so they were not a lot of fun, more of a lens always poking at me. No matter although the sounds of the ice groaning and cracking is not Those who feed me's most favourite sound, we still managed to enjoy the walk. Because of the invisible fence I always wait at the top of the hill to be "invited" down the stairs to the river. I'm no dummy.

As I said, the vracking of the ice grabs your attention. I was particularly interested with the groans and rumbles. They start on the other side and ripple right across, it is a bit of an odd sound, and I think I could also feel the vibration. Walks are good, you can run, sniff and roll. All my favourite activities.

There are other things that I like as well. That includes, going home and then taking a nap. I do those very well, especially when the sun returns and there are actually hot spots on the floor. Mmmmmmmm, hot spots on the floor.