Thursday, March 6, 2008

Arthritis - maybe, maybe not, (a bit)

Well, the two Bozo's, (who supposedly take care of me), didn't quite know or beleive all that should/could be done for my Arthritis, was being done. They said that I had it in my surgery knee joint, so they took me back to the Physio-person.

She figures, although there is going to be certainly some arthritis in the joint, I defintely did have a pulled muscle in the hip.

Well here we go, an acupunture treatment later, some kind of ultrasonic type stimulation, some stretching exercises, all very strange to me. Well apparently the acupuncture, (as a side result), releases endorphines, now that is fun. After a walk I just slept all day. mmmm, Endorphines good, mmmmmm

Next day, I got up and ran, ran, ran, wrestled and ran some more. Everybody figured I was in a bit of pain, (like most dogs, I never say anything about my problems), and it was gone so I felt pretty good. Had a second treatment, feels good now and I don't have to go back. No limping now really. Don't need to go back unless we see something. I was sitting a bit goofy, kind of on a tilt, now it's qiute a bit better.

We have some streching exercises, but we are not very good about it. Better smartten up I guess.

It is ice season up here, traw, freeze, thaw, freeze. This is when I injured my knee originally. I don't know why, but they hold their breath when I walk around on the ice, its fun to slip around.

Oh yeah I've gone from 103, first vist, (6 weeks on diet), to 98, then, (additional 4 weeks on diet), to 95lbs, looking pretty trim, got a pretty nice tuck going.

There is still much discussion about what I should be ... I am a big guy for the standard, my Mom and Dad were both working hunting dogs, (Champion/Competition stuff), not the liitle cuties I see in the dog shows. For some reason discussions about seeing the outline of my ribs continue. Well I would like to know when the last time any of them saw an outline of their ribs.

Bit of leasons learned, intuition is useful, don't be afraid of it. Self diagnosis and self perscription is not a good thing, let professionals do that, but a healthy dose of skeptisim, and following you intuition is not a bad thing either.

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