Just seems that I need to pee a lot. "Those who give me food" don't like to wander around the yard at three o'clock in the moring. I love it, all sorts of beasts to yell at. They tell me, I am barking at my own shadow, but I know they are out there ... you just have to know they are there, laughing at me.
With the amount of snow around I can only get to a few of my favourite spots in the yard. I know the bunnies are under the garage, but I can't get there. The tracks go in, but I can't get at them. Although in the woods behind, "in the land of behind the electric fence", I know for a fact there lives all manner of beasts. I have seen the tracks. Barn cats, a very strange breed of animal seem to run the whole area over there.
I wish that "those who give me food" would understand a Weim is pretty particular about where he does his business. How much would they like to climb a hill just to do a dunch in the yard.
Well bottom line is the spots have been gone for a couple of days. No one knows why I got them, although speculation is pretty rampant around here. "Those who give me food", discuss it endlessly. Dust, mold, dust mites and spiders seem to be the leading contenders.
Myself, its a dogs life, and its over. Just seem to be napping a lot, (so where is the problem in that), and won't pass a drug test.
The only lasting impact seems to be a new nickname. Goofy. I don't understand it, they drug me, then make fun of me when I lying on my favourite couch. Well that and now I am not allowed to go into the sun room. Don't be sad, it is called a sun room but it is just really called that. No one knows what it is supposed to be, and it is not really finished into anything that makes sense. Just a storage area and it does get dusty out there, like a basement.