Sleep, walk, eat, sleep, eat, chew, sleep, then do it all again, everyday, it's a great life for puppy.
What else could anybody want. Sometimes my knee hurts a bit after a walk, usually when the walk become a bound about with a buddy and a bit of ice thrown in for good measure. But generally all is good. "Those who feed me" found, (you would have to be blind not to), a bummp, on my leg. They took me to the vet, of course and they stuck a needle in it to get some fluid. Well from the tests say it a "Lipomas", just a bump. One of those watch it, if it grows, we will get rid of it. Doesn't bother me, but I suspect that "Those who feed me" will get rid of it in the spring.
"Those who feed me", think they are feeding the birds. I know better it's the friggin squirrels they are feeding. I have come to a an uneasy peace with these guys. Chipmonks no, hate those little buggers, chase them anytime. But the squirrels, I have given up on them. Bunnies used to be a problem. They don't seem to be anymore. I am not sure why, I have seen Owls around the yard. In fact one swopped down and grabbed a bunny that i was chasing. Now the Owl tried to get away but I chased him. I would say about 30 yards or so, the Owl had trouble getting any height, I guess because of the weight. Well I kept up, only about six feet behind and he finally dropped it.
It was mine, mmmmm, I don't know what i was going to do with it, but I just beginning to get some good ideas when "Those who feed me started to pull me away. It actually pissed me off, eventually I told him so and put my mouth on his arm and just gave it a little squeeze. You know just kinda saying, "Hey this is a pretty cool bunny, I would like to explore the possibilities". Well I don't know, communication with "Those who feed me" is usually pretty good but this time my gentle reminder was met with a thump and a put down, right there on the drive way. I was on the leash for a bit after that. Geez talk about being a meany.
We had a visitor today as well. Maybe he has something to do with the bunny population disappearing. We figure he is a Coyote, maybe a hybred Coyote/Wolf, we have them in Eastern Canada. I didn't like him in the front yard and told him as much. "Those who feed me" wouldn't let me go out and make speaks with him face to face. Would have told him a thing or two. I am guessing that "Those who feed me" have seen him a few times because they come out with me at night for my final pee before bed and I have been sniffing plenty of tracks that don't belong in the snow.