Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 8 - Great News - Bone Healed 100%

Free at last, free at last I thank God I'm free at last Free at last

Could he BE any more goofy looking???

You can just see the slightest difference in hair colour on his back left leg at the end. All that is left of the obvious signs of his surgery.

Webber went in this morning for his 8-week follow-up X-Rays. It was hard leaving him, yet again, but hopefully this is the last time for quite awhile.

The vet just called after reviewing his films, and the news is 100% good! His bone has healed perfectly, nothing out of place and looks exactly the way it should. He is now out of the danger zone of damaging the bone. He is allowed some off leash running, in the yard, but he will be so happy to walk and run with some freedom.
We'll need to monitor carefully to ensure that he doesn't damage any soft tissue, and if he does get the 'crazies' to call him off. And then, ta-da, in a couple of weeks, he'll get to see his buddy, Abby (the Golden Retriever) and Bella (the Dobie-puppy) again.

He's been such a great patient. Webber was a very healthy dog going into this, with no other traumas that might have affected his recovery. We were very lucky that I was home with him for the whole time, and thereby ensuring that, especially during the first 4 weeks, he was strictly supervised. Looks like our dedication to his healing has paid off. Not one oops moment!

For the last two weeks we have been walking him 30-40 minutes two times a day, with a swim every second day. While we ice him before bed, he has not shown any signs of favouring the leg or limping. I am sure that the PT exercises that we do with him have helped build up the muscle loss. Which I think was minimal since we did not wait
any time at all to perform the surgery.

We'll be videoing his first off leash 'crazy', I'm sure ... and I'll laugh and smile and see my guy enjoy the freedom he deserves.

For all of you out there who are recovering from surgery, try to keep positive. There are some of us who do have happy endings.

Treats, Belly Rubs and Calm Assertive Engery to everyone!